Über Alexandra Mareschi



Ich bin eine akademisch voll ausgebildete Juristin (Grundstudium Universität zu Köln; LL.M., Queen Mary University, London), inkl. Zusatzqualifikation PG Diploma in Terminology (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), TEFL, Human Rights Education sowie Intercultural & Business Communication and Psychology of Advanced Communication.


Als erfahrene Juristin und Sprachwissenschaftlerin mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Bereich Rechtsenglisch habe ich mich als verlässliche Autorität auf diesem Gebiet etabliert. Darüber hinaus bin ich die Gründerin von LegalEnglish online consultancy & The Legal Professional.


Ich spreche vier Sprachen fließend und verfüge über unübertroffene Sprachkenntnisse, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, effektiv zu kommunizieren und sich in den Feinheiten der verschiedenen Rechtssysteme zurechtzufinden.

Ferner bin ich eine leidenschaftliche Autorin. Ihr umfangreiches Werk deckt ein breites Spektrum an Themen in Rechts- und Wirtschaftsenglisch ab. In meinen Artikeln gebe ich wertvolle Einblicke in komplexe juristische Konzepte, wodurch ich für Klarheit und Verständnis bei meinen Lesern sorge. Als Muttersprachlerin mehrerer Sprachen weiß ich, wie wichtig sprachliche Nuancen und kulturelle Sensibilitäten sind, wenn es um Rechtsfragen geht.






About Alexandra Mareschi


Alexandra Mareschi is a highly experienced lawyer-linguist with decades of expertise in legal English. As the founder of LegalEnglish online consultancy & The Legal Professional, she has established herself as a trusted authority in the field. With fluency in four languages, Alexandra's linguistic skills are unmatched, allowing her to communicate and navigate the intricacies of various legal systems effectively. In addition to her impressive legal background, Alexandra possesses a true passion for writing. Her extensive body of work covers a wide range of topics in both legal and business English. Through her insightful articles, she provides invaluable insights into complex legal concepts, ensuring clarity and understanding for her readers. As a native speaker of multiple languages, Alexandra understands the importance of linguistic nuances and cultural sensitivities when it comes to legal matters. Her ability to seamlessly bridge language gaps and convey legal information accurately and comprehensively is a testament to her exceptional language skills. Driven by a genuine desire to help others, Alexandra's dedication to her craft shines through in her writing. Her meticulous attention to detail, combined with her extensive knowledge of legal terminology, makes her an indispensable resource for individuals seeking assistance in understanding the complex world of legal communications. Whether it's providing expert advice on contract drafting, offering tips on effective legal writing, or guiding professionals in developing their legal English skills, Alexandra's expertise and passion for her work make her an invaluable asset to the legal community. In conclusion, Alexandra Mareschi is a distinguished lawyer-linguist, accomplished writer, and language enthusiast. Her extensive experience, linguistic proficiency, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her a sought-after professional in the realm of legal English.

